Ready for the weekend

The only thing I don’t like about 3-day weekends is anticipating the end of the work day. Its about 4:30 and I think I’ve looked at the time in my task bar about 5 times in the last 15 minutes. Don’t you hate that?

I don’t have much planned for the 4th of July. I’m not a fireworks fan, so I won’t be on the National Mall with other DC area residents (and tourists in town for the holiday). I will definitely visit a few friends for some holiday barbeque. I also want to post some new tee designs to the Black Girl Tees store. Mostly, I’m looking forward to a little R&R.

view of the pool at our resort
Last weekend I was on vacation in Cancun with some wonderful friends. My tan is starting to fade but I still remember the amazing time I had enjoying the pool. So more pool time is on the agenda for this weekend as well.

Wherever you are, and whatever you may do, enjoy your Independence Day!



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